Day 4:

Today I sat in the room with Nugget, and let her walk around the room for 5 minutes. Well, she went straight in to her bed and layed down with Boo her stuff toy. I put here back in the crate and she went right back to sleep.
Thursday afternoon, we went to meet our new vet, Nugget is healing great, just need to continue on for the complete 14 days. Petey, my other dog, must have take offense to that because he was not a very good patient. Even snap at her once. ( I have be round petty tight, and Petey is being himself).
The Vet was kind, and said that once I relax. Petey will return to his happy old self. And that as long as Nugget remains in here crate, it doesn’t matter were it is. Just to keep things quite for her to rest.
Day 5:

Friday, we moved the crate to the Living room, and the first time Petey and Nugget were together. Petey was so gentle, waiting for Nugget to drink or eat. And when I took them out, he never tried to play with her. Just walk next to her, and they did their busy. The photo above was after coming in Nugget was laying on the floor and Petey was watching over her.
The day went very well, Nugget sleep most of the day in her crate, once I got Petey out of it. ( we are going to have to get another one). Last night my son come home again for the weekend. He sat on the floor so Nugget would try to jump on the couch. Nugget greeted him, then sat next to my son, Nugget on one side, Petey on the other. Missed that photo, everyone moved before I could get it. Bed time was good to, Nugget got her place back, in the crate next to our bed.
Day 6:

Thing morning went well, Nugget slept the whole night. And is happy to be in the crate as long as she can hear me, and Petey is close by.
after lunch, brought the Crate outside, it has a nice breeze and the temp is comfortable. Nugget seem to love it, and Petey sun bathed. Now the afternoon naps.
8 days Left.